
Export Cosmetic Products to the U.S.

3 Key Things to Check Before Exporting Cosmetics to the U.S.


Export Cosmetic Products to the U.S.


When exporting your cosmetic products into the U.S., It is important to be aware of U.S. laws and regulations that apply.


There are the two most important laws pertaining to cosmetics marketed in the U.S; 


  • the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)
  • the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA).


U.S FDA regulates cosmetics under the authority of these laws. 


So, what are the 3 key things to check before exporting cosmetic products to the U.S.?



?Is Your Product Really A Cosmetic Under The Law?

It’s important to understand whether your cosmetic product falls under a “cosmetic” or a “drug”.


The FD&C Act defines cosmetics by their intended use, such as products that are intended for cleansing, beautifying or altering the appearance ;


  • Skin moisturizers
  • Perfumes,
  • Lipsticks, fingernail polishes,
  • Eye and facial makeup,
  • Cleansing shampoos,
  • Permanent waves,
  • Hair colors
  • Deodorants


‘soap’ is not included in this category. To learn more about this, check how FDA cosmetic regulations define “soap”.


Products that are intended to have a therapeutic effect, such as treating or preventing disease, or to affect the structure or function of the body, are drugs.


If you need advice on defining FDA regulated cosmetic, Feel free to talk to us.



?Meets FDA Cosmetic Labeling Requirements?

Proper labeling is an important aspect of putting a cosmetic product on the market to protect consumers from danger and hazard regarding product purchase. Hence, It is the cosmetic manufacturer’s and/or distributor’s responsibility to ensure that products are labeled properly.


As cosmetic labeling is one of the most complicated parts of selling cosmetics in the U.S, Cosmetic firms need to discuss their labeling with an experienced consultant.


Cosmereg will provide you with a detailed report and customized guidance to help you pass federal regulations for the cosmetic labeling and ingredient reviews.



?Register FDA’s Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP)?

FDA’s Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP) is a reporting system for use by manufacturers, packers, and distributors of cosmetic products that are in commercial distribution in the U.S, and register their manufacturing and/or packaging facility locations in the VCRP database. It’s recommended to cosmetic firms to participate in.


Need assistance regarding FDA cosmetic regulations? Cosmereg’s expertise in cosmetic regulations ensure your products are compliant with FDA regulations, and place on the market!

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