
FDA Cosmetic Labeling guide, Why is it so important?

FDA Cosmetic Labeling guide, Why is it so important?

FDA Cosmetic Labeling guide, Why is it so important?

The cosmetics sold in the USA must comply with the labeling regulations published by the FDA. As FDA cosmetic labeling is not only used to help inform consumers of a product’s intended use and any related warnings, also notify its ingredients, the net quantity of contents, and its place of manufacture or distribution, Proper labeling is an important aspect of marketing a cosmetic or personal care product.

And importantly, false or misleading labeling is one of the major of FDA detentions, which you don’t want to happen from entering your products into U.S port. So The cosmetics marketed in the United States, whether you are manufactured the U.S. or are imported from abroad, must comply with the labeling requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, the Fair Packaging and Labeling (FP&L) Act, and the regulations published by the Food and Drug Administration under the Authority of these two laws.

What are the requirements of FDA Cosmetic Labeling guide?

Labeling means all labels and other written, printed or graphic matter on or accompanying a product. The label statements must appear on the inside as well as any outside container or wrapper. But ingredient labeling and statement of the net quantity of contents on the principal display panel, only apply to the label of the outer container.

Cosmetic Labeling consists of two parts; Principal Display Panel and Information Panel.


The Principal Display Panel (PDP) is the part of the label most likely displayed or examined under customary conditions of display for sale.

The requirements for the Principal Display Panel (PDP) are

The requirements for the Principal Display Panel (PDP) are:


  • Name of Product  
  • Identity Statement: An identity statement indicating the nature and use of the cosmetic product, by means of either the common or usual name, a descriptive name or illustration.
  • Net Quantity: An accurate statement of the net quantity of contents of the cosmetic in the package in terms of weight, measure, numerical count, or a combination of numerical count and weight or measure.
  • Warning: If the cosmetic product contains an ingredient for which adequate substantiation of safety has not been obtained, a warning must be placed on the PDP like “Warning – the safety of this product has not been determined”

The Information Panel (IP) refers to a panel other than the PDP that can inform cosmetic information where the consumer is likely to see it.

The FDA cosmetic labeling guide requirements for the Information Panel (IP) are:


  • Name and place of business: This may be the manufacturer, packer, or distributor 
  • Language: All label or labeling statements required by law or regulation must be in English. If the label contains any foreign language representation, all statements required by regulation must also appear on the label in foreign language. 
  • Distributor statement: If the name and address are not those of the manufacturer, the label must say “Manufactured for…” or “Distributed by…” 
  • Cosmetic Warning and Caution Statements: Cosmetics which may be hazardous to consumers when misused must bear appropriate label warnings and adequate directions for safe use. Flammable cosmetics such as aerosols, feminine deodorant sprays, and children’s bubble bath products are an example of products that require specific warnings. 
  • Ingredients declaration: The ingredient declaration must be conspicuous so that it is likely to be read and understood by at the time of purchase. You must use an appropriate information panel and make sure that the letters are not less than 1/6 inches in height and without obscuring design, vignettes, or crowding.  If you do not have sufficient space for such declaration, the declaration may appear on a firmly affixed tag, tape, or card. 
  • Ingredient name: You may use the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) name. or in absence, you should use the name given by the United States Pharmacopeia, National Formulary, Food Chemical Codex, USAN, and the USP dictionary of drugs names. 
  • Ingredient listing: The ingredients must be listed in descending order of predominance. Exceptions are active drug ingredients, ingredients with less than 1% concentration, and color additives. Fragrance and flavor compounds may be declared in descending order of predominance as “fragrance” and “flavor.” 
  • Material facts: You should reveal material facts (e.g.: directions for safe use if a cosmetic product has the potential to be misused), or your product will be considered as misbranded or adulterated. 
  • Fragrance Allergen Disclosure: The FDA will establish specific rules requiring disclosure of allergens in fragrances.

  • Name and Address of the Responsible Person (RP) – Under MoCRA, every cosmetic product label must include the U.S. contact details of the Responsible Person, which can be:
    • A U.S. mailing address
    • A U.S. phone number
    • or, A website or email address

We covered the importance of cosmetic labeling and its requirement. As labeling is used to help inform consumers, failure to comply with labeling regulations cause you FDA detentions, distribution, and marketing problems. For more information about the most common labeling claims, Check our blog post “Are you in compliance with FDA cosmetic labeling regulations” here


  • Want to verify that your labeling meets current U.S. FDA requirements?
  • Have a shipment detained due to labeling violations and need immediate assistance?
  • Have not yet designed your product labeling and would like assistance?


Cosmereg helps cosmetic companies modify their cosmetic labeling and ingredient compliance by cross-referencing your labeling to comply with FDA regulations.


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Help with U.S FDA Labeling, Contact Us!


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