
Cosmetic Product Registration in Dubai

Cosmetic product registration in Dubai is important for any persons or entities performing any activities linked with cosmetic production in Dubai. As the government of Dubai regulates the production, sale, and import of cosmetic products, Cosmetic product registration in Dubai is mandatory before launching the product in the market.

Cosmetic Product Registration Services in Dubai

Cosmereg can help you register the cosmetic product with Dubai Municipality.

Business Setup in Dubai

In order to sell cosmetic products in Dubai, You must incorporate a company with a commercial/trading license with the related activity of Cosmetic/perfume trading to import cosmetics.


The registration process of a company selling cosmetics in Dubai is no different from other types of businesses. If you want to have full control of your cosmetic brand, we can help you set up a company in Dubai. If you don’t want to set up a company in Dubai, we can also easily register your cosmetic products under our company license and you will still have full control of your brand and appoint exclusive distributors or retails.

Cosmetic Product Registration in Dubai

Cosmetic product registration with Dubai Municipality is mandatory to ensure product quality and customer safety. To register a cosmetic product in Dubai, You can submit all your main business documents to us to do it for you.

Time-line for approval is between 45 to 60 days. The registration of a cosmetic product is valid for 5 years as an extension for renewal to be reviewed.

MoIAT (Former ESMA) ECAS to import cosmetics

The ECAS prescribes requirements for quality and safety for regulated products including Cosmetics, Perfumery and Personal Care Products Electrical, Electronic, and Gas Appliances, Machinery, Automotive, Building and Construction and Food designated for consumer use. The ECAS certificate is proof that the product has been approved by the UAE Federal Government through ESMA.

Cosmetic Product Label Assessment

You have to register each cosmetic product in Dubai Municipality before placing the products in Dubai market. It is mandatory to get a certificate for cosmetic products label assessment for trading purpose.


As this step requires the review of all product information, You will be asked to give a sample of the product to Consumer Products Safety Section (CPSS) along with the design slip of the product and applicant details. After CPSS reviews the product label, they will issue a Cosmetic Label Assessment Report for the product’s safety. Sometimes the report comes with remarks and modifications of the label if needed.

Cosmetic Product Label Compliance

To sell cosmetic products in Dubai, All persons involved in making and distributing the cosmetic product e.g manufacturer, supplies, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers are required to comply with the product label requirements. Cosmereg is an expert in cosmetic regulatory compliance. We can help you to meet the strict regulations that are set by governments.

Product packaging must invariably include a product label.

Typically, the label's content should be in English. It can be multilingual or bilingual, but each language's content must be identical.


Contact us today for a free consultation


MoIAT (Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology)importers and exporters of cosmetics product trading with the United Arab Emirates need to comply with the requirements of the UAE MoIAT Scheme (ECAS) in order for their goods to clear UAE Customs and for placing the products in the UAE Marketplace.

MoIAT allow to import and clear the goods at the customs, Dubai Municipality Registration allow to sell the goods to retails.

  • A Clear Picture of Product.
  • A Clear Artwork of Product.
  • Free Sale Certificate.
  • Ingredients Report.
  • Certificate of Analysis.
  • GMP Certificate.
  • Halal Certificate (if applicable)
  • Organic Certificate (If Applicable)
  • Trade License Copy of Company under which products to be registered.
  • 2 pieces of samples of each product (if lab test required).
  • DM / Montaji Username and Password


1. Brand Name
2. Product Name (a concise description of the product).
3. Production and expiration dates OR Period After Opening
4. Manufacturer details
5. Net weight or volume
6. The country of origin must be clearly declared and specific.
7. Product's barcode
8. Batch number
9. Ingredients list
10. Instructions for product use
11. Medical claims are not permitted.


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