
Cosmetic Product Safety Report – CPSR

The cosmetic manufacturer is highly responsible for the safety of cosmetic products and must ensure that cosmetics go through an expert scientific cosmetic product safety product assessment, also known as CPSR before they are sold.
In addition, cosmetic products should be correctly labeled and packaged with appropriate INCI (International Nomenclature for Cosmetic Ingredients) ingredients listing and warnings.

What is a Cosmetic Product Safety Report Assessment – CPSR

Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR) is the key point of the Product Information File (PIF). CPSR is composed of two parts from the Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009;

  1. Cosmetic Product Safety Information (Part A)
  2. Cosmetic Safety Assessment (Part B)

What must include the Cosmetic Product Safety Report Assessment – CPSR?

Cosmetic safety assessment is part B of the cosmetic product safety report (CPSR), so it is the key part of the Product Information File (PIF). Safety assessment is conducted based on the cosmetic product safety information (part A) of the CPSR.

Part A – Cosmetic Product Safety Information

Cosmetic safety assessment is part B of the cosmetic product safety report (CPSR), so it is the key part of the Product Information File (PIF). Safety assessment is conducted based on the cosmetic product safety information (part A) of the CPSR.

  • The quantitative and qualitative composition of the cosmetic product
  • Physical/chemical characteristics and stability of the cosmetic product
  • Microbiological quality
  • Impurities, traces, information about the packaging material
  • Normal and reasonably foreseeable use
  • Exposure to the cosmetic product
  • Exposure to the substances
  • Toxicological profile of the substances
  • Undesirable effects and serious undesirable effects
  • Information on the cosmetic product

Part B – Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment

The purpose of Cosmetic Product Safety Information is to collect all the necessary data to perform the product safety assessment.


Cosmetic product safety assessment must be completed in accordance with Annex 1 of the Regulation. It must be performed by a qualified safety assessor


  • Assessment conclusions
  • Labeled warnings and instructions for use
  • The scientific reasoning for the conclusions drawn
  • Assessors credentials and approval of Part B

and it is important that an RP familiarises themselves with and understands these requirements. For more information about the ‘The role of the responsible person’, ‘Who Can Be A Cosmetic Responsible Person?’ and ‘Why choose an experienced check here professional responsible person’

EU and UK Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment

Before the product is placed on the market in the EU and UK, every cosmetic product must have a safety assessment performed under the parameters of cosmetic labeling regulations. This assessment will conclude whether the cosmetic product is safe and in conformity with the regulation. It also provides the reasons for that conclusion, lists precautions for use, if applicable, and includes the credentials of the qualified person who performed the assessment. Cosmereg safety assessors are qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable.


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For a cosmetic product to be sold in the European Union, it must have a Product Information File (PIF) created as per EU and UK Cosmetics Regulations. A PIF includes paperwork about a product’s ingredients, formulation, and packaging, along with a description of the final product and its effects.

CPSR stands for ‘Cosmetic Product Safety Report’. This is a requirement of EU cosmetics regulation cosmetics regulation 1223/2009, as stipulated in Article 1. The CSPR is made up of 2 parts – 1. Cosmetic Product Safety Information and 2. The Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment. The CSPR is an essential component of the PIF.

CPNP stands for ‘Cosmetic Products Notification Portal’. Manufacturers of cosmetic products that are sold in the EU are required by law to supply the European Commission with information about each product, through this portal. Competent authorities and poison centers are able to access this information electronically through this CPNP.

SCPN stands for ‘Submit a Cosmetic Product Notification’. After the Brexit Manufacturers of cosmetic products that are sold in the UK are required by law to supply the UK authorities with information about each product, through this portal. Competent authorities and poison centers are able to access this information electronically through this SCPN.

In the EU, each cosmetic product must be guaranteed by a Responsible Person (RP). An RP is either a company or an individual that is registered within one of the EU countries and, as such, is subject to EU legislation. The RP is responsible for ensuring that the product complies with EU cosmetics regulation. After the BREXIT it is now required also to have dedicated RP to comply with the UK cosmetic regulations


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